Building Cold Storage Facilities and Cold Storage Rooms Using Cool Room Panels
A contractor outside of Lexington, Kentucky, was facing a reputation-ending problem. A meat packing facility he’d overseen constructing several months prior were failing. The insulated metal panel system he had chosen for the cold storage room were deficient, causing extreme moisture accumulation and extensive food damage.
In just a few weeks, his client lost over 5,000 lbs. of choice, USDA grade beef, and almost $20,000 in unsellable inventory. They both needed solutions quickly.
If you were faced with a career-shattering construction failure – would you call for a consultation? With our panel consultants, you have access to over 30 years of experience and over 10,000 completed cold rooms.
Choosing the right cool room panel system, the right insulated metal panel supplier, and the right project team is crucial for constructing a successful cold storage facility. When it comes to low temperature applications for food processing, preservation, and distribution, an understanding of harsh environmental conditions is critical. Carefully designed cold storage insulation systems are a requirement for creating a space that performs. And as the Kentucky contractor quickly found out, not all panel systems are created equally.
PermaTherm has delivered cold storage envelopes that perform for over 30 years. Our insulated metal panels are cost-effective and are field proven to withstand the harsh environments and uses of cold storage facilities. PermaTherm’s IMPs are customized for higher performance, capable of withstanding the extreme weather and operating environments within cold rooms.
Insulated metal panels offer a range of R-values that deliver superior insulating properties based on the thermal needs of the facility. Our custom panel designs not only provide thermal resistance but thermal continuity that decreases complications. PermaTherm IMP’s are created to work specifically for your cold storage facility while offering greater energy savings and easy installation.
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Types of Cold Storage Facilities
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Cool Because each company’s application is unique, it is important to consider the various processes your facility will operate to optimize your new cold storage facility design and insulated panel package.
Caustic Chemical Exposure and Cool Room Panels
Are you using chemical compounds in your product processing? They may have an impact on your walls, ceilings, and supporting attachments. Depending upon the type of chemical, frequency of use, and intensity of cleaning, a specific customized surface, texture, and paint thickness/type may be recommended. An experienced panel consultant can help explore materials, paints, and finish options that work for you and your design team.
Be sure to plan for all the accessories, trim products, doors, cooling units, and anything else you’ll need to complete your project. Large items like the panels, doors, and refrigeration systems are always top of mind: they are at the forefront of the planning process. The smaller details, however, make all the difference in a successful cold storage room. Connections between panels, floors, and ceiling are critical. Sealants in the joints and vapor barriers make or break your facility’s performance. The most seemingly tiny accessory can deliver drastic results. An experienced panel consultant won’t forget to cover even the smallest elements of your build.
What’s Included in a PermaTherm Cool Room Panel Package and Quote
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Want to see more information about our trim, accessories, and package details? Click Here

Professional Cold Storage Room Panel Installer or DIY?
Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should
One of the primary benefits of using insulated metal panels is the ease of installation and quick construction times. Many insulated panels snap together to make the assembly process easier. However, one costly mistake a cold storage facility owner might make is choosing the wrong installer.
The most significant mistake our contractor from Lexington, KY made was installing the insulation for his customer’s facility himself. He had very little experience installing IMPs but had not reached out to a panel consultant or an experienced installer for help. The quality of your insulated metal panel product won’t matter if the system isn’t installed correctly.
Several questions you may consider before beginning your project are:
- Are you familiar with cold storage facility construction?
- Do you have experience with insulated metal panels?
- Are you planning to self-install or use an experienced IMP panel installer?
While planning your cold storage project with your panel consultant, ask about referrals to approved installers. An expert panel consultant will have access to a network of vetted tradespeople, across all disciplines, to ensure projects run smoothly and error-free.
Specifications and Data Sheets on Cold Storage Facility Insulated Panels
When constructing a new facility, you may need data sheets or specifications for your engineering team before breaking ground on your new build.
At PermaTherm, we will work hand-in-hand with engineers and architects from the beginning of the planning stages through to the end of project completion. Contact your panel consultant if you need any literature or documentation about our insulated metal panels and their performance.