America’s appetite for fresh seafood is insatiable, and seafood processors are constantly expanding to accommodate the high demand. Naturally with these expansions comes the need to properly insulate your seafood processing facility. Finfish, shellfish, canary, and cooked seafood plants all have the same stringent requirements associated with safe food delivery to the public. To ensure their product arrives to market safe, processors are having to add new:
- Coolers
- Blast freezer
- Cutting and trimming rooms
- Packing rooms
Why Insulating Seafood Facilities is Different
A high level of temperature control is required within almost every sector of the food processing industry. However, seafood processors have other demands to take into consideration that differ from what others may adhere to. So, what obstacles does seafood present?
Seafood must remain wet and is almost always covered with ice per requirements. This is to further increase the chances that the product will remain in a healthy state. However, using ice can cause problems as it is abrasive and can tear up the panel wall systems within processing rooms.
If the panel wall systems become damaged, this can lead to corrosion of insulated metal panels. Additionally, the melting of ice could lead to moisture issues within your processing plant.
With the wear and tear that comes with seafood processing, it is important to invest in insulated metal panels that are customized to handle the complexities of this form of processing. Rooms that stay wet or have frequent washdowns may benefit from a paint system that is comprised of plastisol.
This results in the paint systems being thicker and having a more rubberized consistency. Another option is to chemically weld the panels to prevent moisture intrusion between panel joints.
This environment keeps the panels performing longer with less wear over the life of the room. However, in some marine seafood processing environments, it may be more sensible to go with stainless steel wall panels.
Insulate Your Seafood Facility
PermaTherm wants to make sure you have all of the resources you need to decide on insulated metal panels and the customizations you may need. Our experienced team is ready to walk you through the process and partner with you to make sure you’re happy with the functionality of our insulated metal panels.
PermaTherm’s Experiential Intelligence, ROCKY
If your seafood facility is expanding, Permatherm’s team would like to introduce you to Experiential Intelligence. A living Software Application created to help you expand your business. We call it ROCKY.
PermaTherm has partnered with customers on more than 30,000 panel projects to provide:
- The right panel package with all the parts
- On time delivery
- A fair price
Controlled environments are tricky and require different components per application. We have captured our 30 years of experience from these unique projects and put them into ROCKY.
Get started today, and our dedicated specialists will introduce you to ROCKY and guide you throughout the process. Reach out to our team at 706-623-0530 or go to our contact page to get the conversation started.
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